i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 23:33:45 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]"Yo, Gwen! It's your cousin, Cammy. Long time no see, eh?"[break][break]

The door bursts open, and a woman 's same age comes striding into the room like she owns the place. She sets flowers on the table carelessly, grabbing the first folding chair she sees and propping it against the door. [break][break]

She grabs the other and sets it up backwards next to Gwen's bed, leaning on the back and crossing her arms, staring at the woman for a split second with dull, piercing red eyes. [break][break]

"Damn, you look like shit. You eating? Don't tell me you and Freya have that in common. The next council's food budget is gonna be drained to nothing at this rate."[break][break]

Tsubaki pulls her phone out of her pocket. The rotom inside perks up and whirrs to life, floating around the room, scanning for something. Tsubaki takes a sandwich bag out of her jacket pocket as the phone does its busy work, taking one half of a sandwich out and devouring it in a few short bites before tossing the other half in Gwen's lap. [break][break]

Only when the Rotom floating overhead chirps affirmatively does Tsubaki acquiesce. [break][break]

"... Well, first thing's first, only so much you can say on open channels. A hospital ain't a place to talk about this either, but hey. You're handling confidential government info-- that's twenty years to life, if you ain't careful. Freya, well-- she transformed in front of thousands of people, so we're alright there, but the rest..."[break][break]

She makes sure to reassure Gwen, but there's so much to say. [break][break]

"I wasn't at Sootie, no. I was in Petalburg, fighting Kanto remnants. Admin Fox got his hands on some old tech, flattened the city. You might've heard a little about that. Figured Freya would be fine on her own. Looks like I was right. Say what you will about her not being able to take care of herself, not eating, not sleeping, but at least she can handle herself in a fight. That was never in question."[break][break]

She stops, and tilts her head. [break][break]

"But you. You didn't even know who I was, started leaking like a sieve. Technically, you still don't know who I am. So, lemme ask, why'd you give all that info away to some stranger? I could've been feeding you lies the whole time-- hell, maybe I still am, huh? Go ahead, ask me if I'm lying."[break][break]

She gives a wry smile at the suggestion, finally giving the woman a chance to respond as she plucks her phone from the air and scrolls across the screen checking her messages. The rotom inside lets out a surprised squeak and trembles in her grasp.[break][break]


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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
287 posts
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 3:34:00 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwen sat up as the door opened, with a woman walking through the door as she smiled at her. "Hey Cammy! Long time no see." She had to keep up appearances for anybody outside of the loop, as she was more interested to see what the woman who had contacted her knew more than she had let on to begin with. It didn't take long before she set up her things and closed the door with something to give them some privacy, which Gwen quietly let her do and make her way over to the bed.

"You try almost dying and see how good you look afterwards. I've had a migraine for the past half a week and haven't eaten in a day aside from plain crackers. The food in here is awful, the shittiest food to ever be put on a plate. If you have something edible on you, I'd owe you twelve to take a bite of it."

The Rotomphone flew around as Gwen watched with envy. She had still been trying to teach her own to fly into the phone, although it didn't seem to be too big a of a fan of the idea. Maybe one day though! The mystery woman pulled out a sandwich and ate half, with the other half being thrown at her. The ranger bit into it immediately, scarfing down the half a meal in only three bites. While it was only half, actual food was amazing. Gwen let out pleased, affirming groans of sustenance while watching the woman and her pokemon get to work.

It was a lot to think about, Gwen's lips pursing together in thought. So Freya had turned entirely, in front of a crowd of people, even! What kind of pain would that have put the councilwoman in? She frowned at the thought of thinking of the damage she sustained in that alone, much less being swallowed whole by another legendary Pokemon.

"It sounds like some fucked up dream or something. A human just transforming like that. I'm glad she's alright though. For a narcoleptic picky eater, Freya can really throw down when she needs to."

Her thoughts continued to swell inside of her wounded brain. A dull pain began to throb the longer Gwen focused on it, though it was thankfully pushed aside when the other woman called her out of leaking stuff to a nobody. It wasn't a lie. Gwendolyn had just start blabbing to an anonymous person out of nowhere, but it was time to reveal her secret hand as well. Something that she had been keeping herself and gambled on.

"You're right, technically we're not even introduced to each other yet, Cammy. By the way, that's a fucking awful alias. You couldn't even try and get something remotely Sinnoh-ish? Maddie, Patricia, Olivia." She reached for a pill on the side of her table and the room temperature cup of water that had been quenching her thirst for the past hour or so. One downed pill later, she continued. "I did start worrying that I had leaked information to some nobody I met online without a name or anything. I've broken NDAs on a bunch of stuff accidentally back home. I've just been super excited to talk about stuff I specialize in. But then I started to think about what you said and really try and figure out how you would know half of that kind of thing."

Gwen gave a small but strained smirk, rubbing at her temples as the dull headache would still be present, but going down.

"I lost an arm, but not the front half of my brain. So if we take this logical path, you'll see what I mean. One, you definitely know about Freya, like an incredible amount. Yeah, it could all be fake and you could be using me, but you know specific little details. Stuff that I do that I don't even know about her like that coffee order. My first day, I made her basic ass coffee and she told me she wants it dark as hell."

"Your order made me go back into my notes I took, and it lines up. Even the wording is just like the one that was left for me back at the office for the replacement admin, word for word. What you texted me is near an exact match. You've done it so many times you can condense it down into a series of instructions that you've repeated enough times to stick."

Her index finger was raised on her remaining hand, with the middle finger being next.

"Two, you obviously care about her well being, even in the text messages. Again, you can be leading me on, claiming to be somebody who claims to know what happened and trying to squeeze me for information, but then why the uplifting messages?"

"If you didn't have our intentions at heart, you would have glanced over it with something. Maybe a back pat and a link to a self help website, but you spent way too long on that point for it not to be genuine. You obviously wanted to check in on Freya and to some extent, me."

She paused to finish off the rest of her water, then spoke again.

"Lastly, if you wanted information and to chat, you would have come here, but if you were hunting traitors or leakers, then I'll be handcuffed to the bed in the next ten or twenty minutes or so. If you had any worse intentions, you'd be suffocating me with the pillow right about now, or at least poisoning that sandwich I ate."

"When I woke up for real after our chat, I decided to do some digging after reviewing my thoughts. I have access to the office database from the laptop, and I found something. Enough to take a guess at who you are, based on some of the paperwork that doesn't have Freya's name on it."

Gwendolyn pushed the laptop at an angle for her to see, a hand resting on the screen to shield it from any view but hers.

"I guess what I'm saying Tsubaki," she adjusted herself on the bed, finally feeling the pill take effect with a relieved groan.

"Is that don't fuck with an aspiring Pokemon Professor. Because even half high on painkillers, I can catch onto you...in about eight hours. I fell asleep a lot during the note taking."


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played by


December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
part of
TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 1:16:38 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Her eyes dart up from her phone screen as she hears her name, and a smirk plays across her lips. [break][break]

"Huh, good deductive reasoning."[break][break]

Memories return to her from a life she'd almost forgotten. An agency called Navidson Solutions, headed by a stubborn , a man more prone to violence than detective work. Unfortunately, solving cases hadn't paid the bills, but she always enjoyed sliding the pieces of the puzzle into place, herself. [break][break]

"Not Professor-level work, granted. But you're sharp, I'll admit. Maybe Freya's found a good enough successor after all..."[break][break]

She looks at the woman thoughtfully, letting her phone slip from her grasp. The rotom inside floats overhead and scans the room frantically while Tsubaki drums her fingers on her chin.[break][break]

"You still didn't solve the case, though. I wonder, how d'you think I found you?"[break][break]

She tilts her head, then furrows her brow.[break][break]

"And please, please don't just say the nurse pointed the way here -- really think about it."[break][break]


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[newclass=.rouxcredittsu4]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 20:07:44 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Well, in her mind, it sounded pretty cool in her mind at least. Gwen was just happy to learn that her estimate on her name was correct! she smirked at the other woman and tried to adjust her glasses again with the missing arm out of habit. "I'll say she has. But you were the real deal! If there was anything to do with Freya, you always knew it! Can you teach me everything there is to this woman? I'm quickly finding out about stuff I never thought somebody like her would need to be supervised for."

At her question about how Tsubaki found out about her location, that was one thing she didn't know. It could have been just magic that she used for all that Gwen knew. "My name's in the ranger database, and it makes sense that a gym leader could just go and ask for my number. Unless Freya told you to come and see me."

She laid back in her bed while feeling her stomach settle now that it had some food inside of it. Thinking back on it, Gwen did wonder about one thing. "How's gym life been treating too? Is that any busier than what Freya used to have you do?"

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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played by


December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 18:25:23 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]The woman pinches the bridge of her nose and groans, as if afflicted by a sudden-onset headache. She looks at Gwendolyn with a mixture of pity and annoyance. [break][break]

"... Right, right... 'future professor' doesn't mean detective... gotta remember that."[break][break]

She stands up and paces the room for a second, looking at the bland, sterile environs for something, anything to distract herself. She settles for the flowers she'd brought, picking them up and surveying the petals rather than look at the bed-ridden woman. [break][break]

Tulips, signifying well wishes for a speedy recovery. The medicinal colors of orange and yellow. Not red, that meant blood. Not white, that meant a funeral. [break][break]

"Yeah, yeah. I'll mentor you, if that's what you want. First things first, focus on your recovery. And think -- really, think! -- why was I able to find you so easily? Why would Freya's previous assistant have your credentials, your contact info, and access to your location? Hm?"[break][break]

She tries smelling the tulips and frowns. Bathing in the ichor so often had stolen her taste, but also her sense of smell, so it seemed. It may recover yet, if she'd abstain -- if current events allowed her that luxury.[break][break]

She takes a glass and runs cool water into it, setting her bouquet into it and putting it on the bedside table. The flowers looked happier for it. [break][break]

"I don't wanna say you didn't do your due diligence. I'm sure you did perfectly well. All that was expected of you, really. But Freya needs more than expected. Someone that'll go above and beyond. You've got a lot to live up to, and that ain't just me inflating my ego.[break][break]

"I wanted to see how long it'd take for anyone to notice, but with everything going on, the war, it slipped under the radar. Imagine if I was loyal to Rocket, or something... "


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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP